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Counseling & Guidance


  • To provide a support system that ensures all students in the Glendale Union High School District are empowered academically and socially with the skills and knowledge to meet the choices and challenges of the 21st century.
  • Guidance and Support Services provide an essential array of services for students and families.  We provide services ranging from academic advisement to providing experiences that teach all students to respect themselves, others, and the world around them.
  • Our counselors, nurses, social workers, alternative program teachers, special program advisors, crisis team members, and school resource officers provide leadership in assisting students in their academic achievement as well as helping the students learn the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful person in all facets of their daily lives.

Guidance Program

  • During the first semester of freshman year, each student and parent meet with their student's counselor to develop a four-year educational plan.  Subsequently, each year, and as needed, counselors review each student's plan.

Counseling Services

  • GUHSD follows the Comprehensive Competency-Based Guidance Model which provides counseling in three general areas:  Academic, Career, and Social-Personal.  Activities at each level of high school are planned for students accordingly, including classroom (large group) instruction in addition to one-on-one counseling.

Nursing Services

  • Each high school has a qualified, licensed healthcare provider to meet the needs of the students.  GUHSD nurses are especially effective at meeting the special needs of each child.

Social Services

  • Each high school is assigned a social worker to help counsel students and identify community resources to assist our students and their families.

Alternative Programs

  • Each high school offers an alternative program for students who learn core curriculum in addition to life skills and study skills.  The program is meant to enable students to be successful and return to regular classes.

Prevention Programs

  • GUHSD utilizes Title IV funds, along with other sources of funding, to support safe and drug-free schools.  Prevention activities include peer mediation, conflict resolution, character education, and programs such as Unitown.


  • The majority of our campuses have a Unitown program in place.  Our Unitown program teaches respect for self and others.  Activities include a retreat for students and staff and follow-up meetings and events.

Section 504

  • Section 504’s purpose is, among other things, to assure that students with disabilities have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided for students without disabilities. Responsibilities of Glendale Union High School District under Section 504 include Child Find, Evaluation, Free Appropriate Public Education, Placement, and Procedural Safeguards. An eligible student under Section 504 is a student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. If a student is covered by Section 504, GUHSD must provide free appropriate public education (FAPE), including accommodations as are necessary to ensure that the student has equal access to services, programs and activities offered by our schools. Your child’s counselor would be the point of contact for questions or concerns regarding Section 504, or feel free to review our GUHSD Section 504 Manual.

Post-Crisis Trauma

  • GUHSD support services staff, along with faculty and administration, provide professional support should a crisis of any kind occur on campus.  Our social workers, nurses, and counselors are always available to help students.