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Bus Rules

It is the intent of the school district to provide a safe transportation experience. To achieve this everyone needs to do their part. Keep in mind the right to ride the school bus is a privilege extended to students through Board policy, and that failure to follow District bus rules may result in a loss of the privilege.


  1. Follow directions immediately when asked.
  2. Stay in your seat and keep your feet out of the aisle.
  3. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
  4. Talk quietly and keep your hands to yourself.
  5. No eating and drinking.
  6. No profanity or vulgar language.
  7. Never throw things on the bus or out the windows.
  8. Never play with the emergency exits.
  9. Large instruments or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits.
  10. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  11. Do not mark, scratch, or deface the bus.
  12. Do not litter on the bus.

State Law Forbids the Following Items to Be Brought Onto the Bus:

  • Dangerous items/weapons
  • Glass
  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Tobacco