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Annual Financial Audit

The district has received final audit reports. These reports represent a comprehensive and lengthy review of GUHSD's financial operations by independent auditors.  The objective of this annual process, which starts in April and concludes the following December, is to provide verified financial information to various users including oversight agencies such as the Arizona Auditor General and the Arizona Department of Education, bondholders, bond rating agencies, lenders, and interested district patrons.

Glendale Union High School District received the following:

  1. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report -
    1. This includes the district’s audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2018. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is divided into three sections. The Introductory Section provides an introduction to the district including an organization chart, certificates of excellence in financial reporting, and principal officials. The Financial Section includes the auditor’s opinion and the financial statements that provide valuable information to statement users and demonstrate district budget compliance. The Statistical Section provides graphical and table information on various factors of interest to financial statement users.
    2. Important Results: The district received an unqualified audit opinion (the highest possible) indicating that the statements are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report documents the District’s compliance with state mandated budgetary and reporting requirements.
  2. Single Audit Reporting Package –
    1. This package includes a report on district internal control over financial reporting and on compliance; a report on district compliance with requirements applicable to major programs and internal control over compliance, a schedule of federal award expenditures, and a schedule of findings and questioned costs. These reports evaluate controls, which provide assurance that transactions are authorized, recorded accurately, recorded timely and that assets are safeguarded. They also evaluate district compliance with laws, regulations, contracts and grants.
    2. Important Results: These reports document that the District used grant funds effectively and efficiently. The auditors did not identify any deficiencies in internal control considered a material weakness. The auditors reported that we complied in all material respects with laws, regulations, contracts and grants that would materially affect the district’s basic financial statements or major federal programs. 
  3.  Uniform System of Financial Records Compliance Questionnaire –
    1. Arizona Revised Statutes require the Office of the Auditor General to determine that school districts establish and maintain an acceptable degree of compliance with the Uniform System of Financial Records (USFR). Our audit firm must complete and submit the USFR Compliance Questionnaire with the audit reporting package to the Office of the Auditor General and the Arizona Department of Education. The questionnaire includes areas such as budgeting, cash, inventory, capital assets, revenues, expenditures, classroom site fund, payroll, travel, financial reporting, information technology, attendance reporting, transportation support, food service, student activities, long term debt, and governing board procedures.
    2. Results: The completed questionnaire documents a very high level of compliance with these requirements providing assurance to the Auditor General and the public that funds are spent correctly, efficiently and effectively. 

Taken as a whole, these reports demonstrate that Glendale Union High School District operates a highly efficient, legally compliant and accurate financial operation.  The financial information the district provides is accurate and can be relied upon to demonstrate compliance with laws, budgets, and other funding restrictions.